Friday, September 5, 2014

John, Chapter 4

I really like this chapter.

This chapter reminds us that Jesus loved all people. Not the "perfect" ones, or the "good" ones, or the "better" ones. He loved--loves--us all. And this isn't the first nor the last we are going to see of this. He eats with and stays at "sinners" homes. He heals on the Sabbath.  He touches lepers. He LOVES us. (The only reason I put sinners in quotations, is because, aren't we ALL sinners?!)

This chapter begins with Jesus leaving Judea and heading toward Galilee. This meant He'd have to avoid Samaria, as most Jews do, or go straight through it, since after all, it was the shortest route. Jews at this time avoided Samaria due to some Jews having intermarriages with Gentiles (non-Jews), and therefore "impure" in most Jewish eyes. These intermarriages and inter-racial couples took up residence at Samaria and were called Samaritans. Here, in Samaria (instead of avoiding the region, like the typical Jew would do) at the local well, Jesus talks to -aghast! a woman, a sinner, and a Samaritan! And tells her that she could be saved and thirsty no more, should she drink from the everlasting well of living water. (4:10)

See? Jesus talks to us. He talks to us sinners, us women, us "impure" ones. And is gentle, is loving, and saves us. Why? Because He loves us, so, so, so much.

When the disciples return from getting food, they try to convince Jesus to eat something, but He tells them that He fills up on God, His Father. We must do this too. I forget sometimes, or I decide sleep is more important than getting up early and starting my day with Jesus, and then within a few hours, when I'm stressed out and drained and wondering why, I remember.. Oh, it's because I did not get filled up first by my Heavenly Father. I must get full on Him first, so that He just spills out of me and splashes onto everyone around me.

Jesus is then tracked down by a royal official, asking "sir" Jesus to heal his sick son. By calling Jesus sir he puts himself below Jesus, even though officially, he is above Him in law. (Information taken from my Life Application Bible.) Jesus tells the official, "You may go. Your son will live" and then my favorite part: the man took Jesus at his word and departed. He instantly believed in Jesus' word. He instantly had faith that because Jesus said so, it was so. Such faith. I pray we all have that kind of faith, especially when we need it the most; when facing a trial like a sick child. (And of course the child was healed instantly.)

I honestly don't know how people who don't believe in the Bible, in our Heavenly King, in the Holy Trinity, go through life successfully and are able to face trials. If I didn't have Him, I'd be eternally lost. I thank Him every day that I found Him-- because He's always been here; He's always known me; He has always and will always love me. And so in turn, I give Him everything I possibly can... after all, it's all His anyway.


1 comment:

  1. I just typed this whole long comment and it got erased! Ugh. And it was good too :-)
    Anyway, it basically said that your post of John Chapter 4 made me think of two things: (1) What a way to start your day, and it makes such a difference I'm sure. I am always struggling with the fact that I don't read the Bible enough or that I don't pray enough, etc. It just needs to become a part of my routine like other things are. And (2) I so wish we all lived like Jesus did. My kids remind me of this sometimes, because of their innocence and ability to trust and have faith because no one has told them not to. They will play with anyone and not judge. They will do the right thing because we have taught them to. They are carefree and don't know of the world we live in, that it can be dangerous and hurtful sometimes. If only...
