Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A few resources

Hello hello!

I thought it'd be helpful for some of you to know some resources I've found. A lot of you probably know a lot more & better resources, so feel free to jump in here please! (Once of course I have your email address and can add you as a contributing author... You can comment in the meantime, so please feel free!)

I love, love, love: It's also great for those that do not have a Bible, or a version of the Bible they can understand, as it let's you choose which version you would like. I have a NIV Bible (New International Version) and can understand it easily, so I really like that version, but any version is better than none! :)

I have the Bible Gateway as an app on my phone, as well as: the Holy Bible app, Bible for Kids, Bible Songs (for kids), and Child's Bible (all apps)

I also love, love, love: and especially the pastor Pete Wilson - God definitely gave him a gift of speaking/preaching! Crosspoint is a church in Nashville and they tape & stream live their sermons on Sundays each week. If you missed a live stream- no biggie, just go under "media" and it's all there- or YouTube it! It's great if you haven't found a church you love yet, or just can't seem to get to church because you have multiple littles! :)

I also just Google a lot and try to look for legit resources.

I also have a few devotionals I love... Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, Heart of my Heart by Kristin Armstrong and Work in Progress by Kristin Armstrong.

Please add to this list if any of you would like to! Thanks!

**A few more I remembered: , , , , ,

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